Ever since I got the okay to be sent abroad for treatment, I have been trying to find out how to get my dogs, Azula and Monroe, certified as service dogs, or at least emotional support animals.
Initially I was told by Respaldo that they knew of one person who had managed it. This was in October 2022. A few days ago I finally manged to get in touch with the person in question.
Unfortunately it tuns out that he started his dog’s training here in Aruba, but finished it in the US. Where he got the certification for service dog.
So I decided to contact DVG, Aruba’s Department of Health. After my initial e-mail had bounced back, because that e-mail address was not available, I managed to get through.

After they had confirmed receipt of my e-mail, I got the following message from VET Services Aruba.

I run into quite a few reading comprehension issues in dealing with all kinds of organizations, not just here on Aruba. Undeterred I replied to ask about service animals.

Back to DVG then!

So far no response, but I’ll keep you updated if I manage to get the answer as to how to get your service animal certified!
I am from the US and am not real sure it’s the same for there but it is worth a shot because I was able to get my baby certified as emotional support animal at serviceanimals.org. Hope this helps. I couldn’t make it without my service dog either so I understand. God bless you and hope this helps
Thank you so much for this tip! Yes, it is possible to register through various free sites, though that isn’t accepted by all. And registration as an emotional support animal unfortunately is not enough to be allowed to take Azula with me when I get sent abroad for treatment.
Luckily I did get an indication from my specialist, and I did find a trainer who is helping me train Azula as a service dog. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to register her internationally. It’s just unfortunate that these options are not available to most people, nor supported by local legislation. We’re hoping to change that soon.
Thank you for reaching out!