Chapter 1 – Lessons from Vietnam Vets The Body Keeps the Score 2. Yesterday I started reading The Body Keeps the Score and keeping a journal of what touches and triggers me as I read. I’ve just finished reading Chapter 1. I’m tense, shaking, anxious. My brain feels like mud. And grief is battering at my dam of numbness. It’s a terrible and odd sensation. My instinct is to turn away from it. To keep the grief at bay no matter the cost. For an endless few moments tears stream down my face, and then my brain does what it…
Tag: The Body Keeps the Score
The Body Keeps the Score & Healing Trauma: A First Step
Over the past 4 and a half years I have been slowly but surely learning about complex trauma and complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. During that journey, one of the names that consistently kept popping up in articles, dissertations and studies was Bessel van der Kolk, MD. One of the first things that caught my eye was that ‘van der Kolk’ is a very Dutch name. I put his book “The Body Keeps The Score” on my list of books to purchase once I was well enough to start reading again. And stuck to various articles and studies van der Kolk…