There are tons of blogs all around the internet, dealing with mental health and mental illness. Whether they are informative – e.g. health care providers – or makes us feel less alone – e.g. patient experience blogs – or just plain funny – our lives are filled with enough negativity – they all have their merits.
Here’s a few recommendations
Patient Experience Blogs Aruba
Founder’s Blog Jeffry Stijn Foundation
Just Julie – International by blood, heart and mind, long-time Aruban resident. Although I write about living mental illness in Aruba specifically on this site, I also write as Just Julie about, well pretty much anything to do with being human. Human nature and human rights. Philosophy, language and norms. Socially responsible business and organization. And well, anything else that catches my fancy really.
Confessions of a Psych Nerd
Lugbelkis – Aruban psychology student, fellow cPTSD experience expert and all round awesome human being. She’s on an incredible journey. She’s helping herself, and in doing so helping others. I feel blessed our paths crossed through Let’s Talk Mental Health Aruba. Most definitely recommend following this budding writer!
Patient Experience blogs – with humor
The Bloggess
Jenny Lawson is the Bloggess. She writes with humor (and sometimes scathing wit) about her life, her family, her pets and anything else that catches her eye, or her mind, which granted, like mine, can go in 15 different directions at once at the same time. And then suddenly fail completely. A definite recommended blog for those of us who have a mental illness that at times is debilitating, but can also has brought good into our lives.
Patient Experience blogs – the nitty gritty
The Mighty
A vast number of experience contributors with regards to a whole range of mental health topics. Mental Health Permission Slips is an example of how those of us whose brains (or authority figures) refuse to allow (normal) emotions through.
Mental health and Mental Illness – from another point of view
coming soon