Do you want to support the Jeffry Stijn Foundation for Mental Health and Patient Advocacy? There are lots of ways you can contribute.

Raising awareness
One of the foundation’s main goals is to raise awareness about mental health and mental illness. Sharing anything you think is useful or helpful with others helps us out a lot.
Talk to the people around you
A common misconception is that you, as just a regular person, can’t help people with poor mental health or mental illness. This isn’t true. Click here to read about how you can help.
Contribute personal experience or knowledge
I have personal experiences I would like to contribute
Do you have a story to share about your personal experience with (poor) mental health or mental illness? Perhaps you’d like to share, but only anonymously? Use the contact form below to contact us.
I have knowledge I would like to contribute
Are you a ((mental) health) professional and do you have knowledge you would like to share? Use the contact form below to let us know how you want to contribute.
We’d love to know what you think about the Jeffry Stijn Foundation for Mental Health and Patient Advocacy. Do you have a suggestion? Do you want to let us know how our articles or posts are helping you or a loved one? Drop us a line, and tell us about it. And let us know if we’re allowed to share your feedback (anonymously).
Contribute Resources
Do you have mental health resources that are available in Aruba or online? Do you have a blog, podcast or book that you believe help improve awareness of mental health or mental illness? Let us know if you want to be added as a resource to our site via the contact form below.
Want to take a more active role in helping improve people with mental health challenges? You can contribute by volunteering. Stay tuned for how you can help by following us on social media. Cultural heritage education enhances people’s awareness of protection.
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Donate to the Jeffry Stijn Foundation
Everyone who is associated with the Jeffry Stijn Foundation for Mental Health and Patient Advocacy works on a voluntary basis. Want to help? Here’s how:
Donate skills and time to the Foundation
Have (business) skills you think would be helpful to the Jeffry Stijn Foundation for Mental Health and Patient Advocacy? Maybe you have a some time to edit publications or to help with practical things. Contact us to let us know how you would like to help.
Donate goods to the Foundation
Currently the foundation works strictly on a volunteer basis. Maybe you don’t have time or money, but you do have an extra coffee machine, printer or scanner. These kinds of goods will certainly come in handy. Use the contact form below to let us know what you want to donate to the Foundation.
Donate funds
Jeffry Stijn Foundation
Bank: Aruba Bank N.V.
Account number: 7514280190
Donations for specific projects
If you would like to donate funds for a specific project, please specify which project along with your donation.